Parenting, Baby Care and development

Parenting or child rearing promotes and supports the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the intricacies of raising a child and not exclusively for a biological relationship.
Although the birth of a baby is a happy event, most of the time the parents are confused. According to the older women in the household, their childcare continues. But with the current split family system, every parent needs to know about parenting on their own. We will see which websites are useful for this.

The mother should breastfeed the baby as soon as possible after birth. Experiments have shown that if a newborn baby sleeps horizontally on its mother’s stomach, the baby will automatically move to the mother’s breast and breastfeed, which is called ‘breast crawl’.

Not only that, it has been found that breastfed babies have higher immunity and IQ than normal babies. Colostrum is often not fed to the baby for the first time. But this milk is essential to boost the baby’s immunity. Helps to protect the baby from diseases like allergies, asthma, obesity etc.
Most of the time, the new mother does not know how to breastfeed, what to eat in the meantime, what to wear, what tender breasts are, what inverted nipples are, and so on. There are many informative sites on breastfeeding online.

Unfortunately sometimes mothers are not physically able to breastfeed their babies. If the baby is premature, he needs breast milk. There are National Milk Banks for this. Breast milk is stored here and supplied to babies as needed. Information about this and the challenge of donating breast milk
When the baby cries, the whole congregation in the house gets scared. Experts say that crying baby is the only medium of communication. He may cry if he is hungry, sleepy, hot or cold, or has colic. Most of the time these little babies make a tipping sound in the evening. Habitual parents notice the difference in the baby’s crying.

Most of the baby’s movements are ‘reflexive’ from birth to three months. But when the baby is about three months old, his understanding is much better. If you place a finger on his chin, the baby automatically turns his neck in that direction if he smells or touches the breast. The baby also knows the difference in the environment. When changing clothes or blankets, the baby announces it by extending its arms and legs. The scientific information on these reflexes is available at .

During the first five years, the baby’s intellectual, emotional, mental, and physical growth is rapid. The overall growth of the baby that happens every year is up to you
Note that each child is different and the information on these sites helps you to understand the stages of a child’s growth in general.

Baby feeding is a matter of concern and concern for every mother. She always wants her baby to eat a lot and eat nutritious milk. But every baby’s diet, habits and measurements are different. What are the nutritious foods, when to start solid foods for babies, what are the nutritional recipes, diet of sick children as well as age-appropriate diet if you want –

There is no doubt that you will become a wise parent by reading the information. Happy Parenting!
Important links,,,,,,,,,
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The following sites are very useful for making it easier for a baby to calm down if he understands crying.,…,,
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