Super foods for sharpen your brain skills

 Want to sharpen your intelligence , memory , wisdom?

 Best Foods for Brain So be sure to include the following in your diet.

 In today's world of competition it is important for everyone to be smart and intelligent.  For that, we have to work hard in every field.

 You have to keep your intellect sharp.  Everyone from children to adults has to do everything with thought and intellect.  In school life, children have to face competition.  Adults also need intelligence to handle household responsibilities and jobs.

 Everyone needs intelligence for any task at any given moment.  Too often we try to remember something important over and over again.

 When the time comes, we forget that.  This may have happened to you too!

 Nowadays, many people go to the doctor with complaints of forgetfulness.  But if you take precautionary measures against the disease, you will not have to deal with it.

 That is why we should definitely include these things in our diet today to sharpen the intellect rather than saying the cure for this disease in this article.

 Wisdom sharpening fish

 For non-vegetarians, eating fish is a treat.  Eat fish fried or spiced. The taste is always lingering on the tongue of the fish eater.

 But did you know that these fish help you to improve your memory?  According to help experts, Pedwe, Ravas and Bangada are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

 This acid works to keep your brain brilliant.  Such fish should be consumed at least twice a week to keep your brain sharp and keep other brain diseases at bay.

 Green leafy vegetables that sharpen the intellect

 Eating leafy vegetables is always good for the body.  Doctors advise to eat fresh vegetables.  

 Many refuse to eat leafy vegetables.  But once you know another property of this leafy vegetable, you will definitely eat leafy vegetables.

 Spinach, fenugreek, tomato, potato are very beneficial for your brain.  But many do not want to eat these leafy vegetables.  Green leafy vegetables are good for the whole body.

 But they are more beneficial for the brain.  Among them are spinach and broccoli.  Antioxidant, Folate, Beta-Carotene, as well as Vitamin C promotes good brain health.  And keeps your intellect well.

Eat eggs everyday

 The above sentence says that a picture of an egg comes before your eyes quickly.  But do you know the usefulness of these daily eggs?

 Mayonnaise is highly beneficial for the brain.  In addition, the vitamins and minerals in eggs help to keep your intellect sharp.  In addition, the iron in it makes a lot of red blood cells.

 This allows the brain to get a good supply of oxygen.  Vitamin B12 and iodine in eggs also make the intellect brilliant.

Dry fruits 
Dry fruits such as almonds , Cashews, dates sharpen and improve the memory .

 Green Tea 

 If you are a green tea drinker, you need to know one more useful properties.  Nowadays everyone drinks green tea to lose weight.

 The human brain is made up of 70 percent water.  That said, it would be surprising.  But from this you will understand the importance of water.

 So everyone advises to drink more water.  But how much water will you drink?  So drink green tea and keep the brain calm due to the antioxidants it contains.  It also helps to stabilize.

 Dark chocolate

 Parents are always shouting at children who eat chocolate themselves.  People who don't like chocolate are rarely found.

 No one will stop eating chocolate after hearing about the memory benefits of chocolate.  He doesn't mind.  The fiavonoids contained in dark chocolate enhance mental skills.

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